Taichong (LR 3)

The liver meridian has a significant effect on the emotions. Staying up late or sleeping poorly can cause the liver to fail to regulate the free flow of qi, leading to qi stagnation and thus, depression, hypochondriac distending pain and other symptoms. The abnormality of liver smoothing the qi flow can also cause hyperactivity of liver qi, manifesting as irritability, red face and eyes, dizziness, tinnitus and so on. If the abnormality affects digestion, it may cause belching and poor appetite; if it affects menstruation, women may suffer from irregular menstruation, breast distending pain and other diseases and symptoms.

Among the liver channel acupoints, Taichong (LR 3) is one of the points that are most effective at draining liver heat, relaxing one’s mood, smoothing qi, regulating spleen and stomach, and regulating menstruation. It is also a common acupoint used in treating hypertension. By performing massage at this point, we can treat or alleviate many conditions and diseases.

Location: On the dorsum of the foot, in the depression distal to the junction of the first and second metatarsal bones.

Massage at LR 3 can treat or alleviate distension in the head, dizziness, red face and eyes, irritability in springtime, migraine, insomnia, irregular menstruation, infertility in women, plum-stone qi (sensation of blockage in the throat), and stomachache and stomach distension caused by ascendant hyperactivity of liver yang.

It can also be used for diseases along the pathway of the liver channel, such as pain, numbness, and other sensory abnormalities in or around the big toe, medial calf, medial knee joint, medial thigh, ribs, throat, eyes or the parietal plate on the skull.

When practicing massage, pressing or kneading methods should be applied for 3~5 minutes each time, twice per day. The intensity of stimulation should be based on the sensations of soreness and distension generated by the massage and pressure.

By combining it with other points, massage can achieve greater efficacy. For example, Zhongwan (RN 12), Qimen (LR 14), Zusanli (ST 36) and Yanglingquan (GB 34) are added for stomachache and stomach distension caused by anger. Neiguan (PC 6), Tianzong (SI 11) and Tanzhong (RN 17) are combined to treat breast distending pain. For dry or painful eyes, Jingming (BL 1), Yanglao (SI 6) and Guangming (GB 37) can be added. For menstrual irregularities, Guanyuan (RN 4), Ciliao (BL 32) and Sanyinjiao (SP 6) are used; for high blood pressure, Hegu (LI 4), Quchi (LI 11), Yongquan (KI 1) and Baihui (DU 20) are added. For dizziness, Baihui (DU 20), Taiyang (EX-HN 5) and Fuliu (KI 7) are combined.